
In today’s fast-paced digital world, reliable mobile communication is crucial as well as enhancing mobile call quality. Mobile operators are constantly striving to provide their customers with seamless and high-quality call experiences. However, technical challenges such as silent calls, random echo, and short calls can significantly degrade the quality of service, leading to customer dissatisfaction. This case study explores how a leading mobile operator overcame these challenges by integrating Sevana PVQA Server into their existing call quality monitoring system.

The Challenge

The mobile operator in question was facing significant issues with call quality. Customers frequently reported experiencing silent calls, unexpected echo, and abrupt disconnections. Despite having an existing call quality monitoring system in place, the operator struggled to detect and diagnose these specific impairments. The limitations of their monitoring tools meant that many problematic calls went unnoticed, leaving the operator unable to address the root causes effectively.

Silent Calls

Silent calls occur when a call connects, but one or both parties cannot hear anything. This issue can be caused by network problems, faulty equipment, or software bugs. Silent calls not only frustrate customers but also increase the likelihood of them switching to a competitor.

Random Echo

Echo during a call can be highly disruptive. It typically results from network latency or misconfigured equipment. Echo can distort communication, making conversations difficult and leading to a poor user experience.

Short Calls

Short calls, where the connection drops unexpectedly after a brief period, are another significant issue. These interruptions can be caused by network instability, interference, or software errors. Frequent short calls can erode customer trust and loyalty.

The Solution: Sevana PVQA Server

To address these persistent issues, the mobile operator decided to implement Sevana PVQA Server as an additional module to their existing call quality monitoring system. Sevana PVQA Server is a sophisticated tool designed to analyze and monitor voice quality, providing detailed insights into various call impairments.

Implementation Process

The integration of Sevana PVQA Server was seamless and required minimal disruption to the operator’s existing infrastructure. The system began to work alongside the existing monitoring tools, augmenting their capabilities with advanced voice quality analysis.

Identifying Problems

Sevana PVQA Server quickly proved its value by identifying numerous instances of silent calls, echo, and short calls that had previously gone undetected. The system’s detailed analytics provided the operator with precise data on when and where these issues occurred, enabling them to pinpoint problematic areas within the network.

Root Cause Analysis

Armed with comprehensive data from Sevana PVQA Server, the operator conducted a thorough root cause analysis. They discovered that many silent calls were due to faulty network equipment, while echo issues often stemmed from improper configurations in their voice routing system. Short calls were primarily attributed to network instability in specific regions.

Resolving the Issues

With clear insights into the root causes, the operator took targeted actions to resolve the issues. They replaced malfunctioning equipment, reconfigured voice routing settings, and strengthened network stability in identified trouble spots. The proactive measures led to a significant reduction in call impairments.

Results and Benefits

The implementation of Sevana PVQA Server yielded impressive results. The mobile operator experienced a marked improvement in call quality, with a notable decrease in customer complaints regarding silent calls, echo, and short calls. Enhanced call quality monitoring allowed the operator to maintain higher service standards and improve customer satisfaction.

Increased Customer Satisfaction

With fewer call quality issues, customers enjoyed a more reliable and pleasant communication experience. This improvement in service quality helped in retaining existing customers and attracting new ones.

Operational Efficiency

By accurately identifying and addressing call impairments, the operator optimized their network operations. This efficiency not only reduced operational costs but also minimized the time and resources spent on troubleshooting.

Competitive Advantage

The proactive approach to call quality gave the mobile operator a competitive edge. Demonstrating a commitment to high-quality service reinforced their market position and brand reputation.


This case study highlights the critical role of advanced call quality monitoring tools like Sevana PVQA Server in enhancing mobile communication services. By effectively identifying, analyzing, and resolving call impairments, the mobile operator was able to significantly improve call quality and customer satisfaction. This successful implementation underscores the importance of investing in robust monitoring solutions to maintain high standards of service in the competitive telecom industry.

For more information about Sevana and our innovative products, Contact Us.




Voice quality issues can significantly impact communication experiences, whether you’re using traditional landlines, mobile devices, or Voice over IP (VoIP) systems. When users encounter problems like echonoiseclippingclicking, or dead air, it’s crucial to diagnose the root causes promptly. Let’s explore each issue and how to identify its source within the network.

  1. Echo:
  • Description: Echo occurs when you hear your own voice repeated with a slight delay during a call.
  • Causes:
    • Acoustic Echo: Sound from the speaker’s voice reflects back into the microphone due to room acoustics or speakerphone setups.
    • Network Echo: Delayed echoes caused by network latency or packet loss.
  • Diagnosis:
    • Listen for audible echoes during the call, or monitor your network with a tool that can detect and alert about echo in the payload, e.g. Sevana PVQA Server.
    • Test with different devices and environments.
  • Root Cause Analysis:
    • Check network latency and jitter.
    • Implement acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) algorithms.
  1. Noise:
  • Description: Background noise interferes with voice clarity.
  • Causes:
    • Environmental Noise: External sounds (e.g., traffic, wind) affect call quality.
    • Network Noise: Packet loss or glitches introduce artifacts.
  • Diagnosis:
    • Listen for unwanted sounds (buzzing, hissing, etc.) , or monitor your network with a tool that can detect and alert about echo in the payload, e.g. Sevana PVQA Server..
    • Test in different environments.
  • Root Cause Analysis:
    • Optimize network infrastructure.
    • Use noise reduction techniques.
  1. Clipping:
  • Description: Clipping occurs when an audio signal exceeds its maximum allowed limit.
  • Causes:
    • Amplifier Overdrive: Amplifiers push signals beyond capacity.
    • Digital Clipping: Signal exceeds the maximum level.
  • Diagnosis:
    • Listen for distorted audio during loud passages, or monitor your network with a tool that can detect and alert about echo in the payload, e.g. Sevana PVQA Server.
    • Check for square-wave-like waveforms.
  • Root Cause Analysis:
    • Avoid excessive amplification.
    • Ensure symmetrical output swing.
  1. Clicking:
  • Description: Clicks are sudden, brief disruptions in the audio.
  • Causes:
    • Network Glitches: Packet loss or interruptions.
    • Hardware Issues: Faulty cables or connectors.
  • Diagnosis:
    • Listen for intermittent disruptions, or monitor your network with a tool that can detect and alert about echo in the payload, e.g. Sevana PVQA Server..
    • Test with different devices.
  • Root Cause Analysis:
    • Monitor network stability.
    • Inspect hardware connections.
  1. Dead Air:
  • Description: Dead air refers to complete silence during a call.
  • Causes:
    • Network Drops: Temporary loss of connection.
    • Software Glitches: Call processing issues.
  • Diagnosis:
    • No audio for a period.
    • Abrupt silence during the call.
  • Root Cause Analysis:
    • Monitor network stability with a system that can detect and alert of audio gaps inside of the payload, e.g. with Sevana PVQA Server.
    • Update call processing software.


Identifying the root causes of voice quality problems involves understanding the symptoms, analyzing the call payload, and addressing specific issues within the network. Proactive troubleshooting ensures better communication experiences. Upon all said above using automatic call quality monitoring system that can detect and alert on voice quality impairments inside the payload will significantly improve QoE and QoS problems root cause analysis. Remember that clear voice quality enhances productivity and user satisfaction! 🗣️🔊🚀

Do you have a hardware solution that records RTP call traffic in real-time? Enable QoE analysis to real-time RTP recording.

Are you happy with the E-Model quality scoring? Try out our user experience metrics. This will give you a competitive advantage and won’t take much effort for integration. Matching network conditions (E-Model, packet loss etc) with user experience (our analysis is based on actual call audio) will give you full picture on your network and user quality of experience (QoE).

Call center agents quality monitoring: do you have a call center that records customer calls and your agents complain about call quality?

Figuring out call quality issues, problematic routes might be much easier with Sevana PVQA technology.
Setting up massive call recording analysis is a matter of a couple of minutes. In return one receives audio quality score (MOS) and report on audio impairments that influenced the call quality.
By the end of the analysis, you will have full picture on the calls that had most of the problems in quality and potential reasons for them. Interested in receiving this information in real-time? This just simple with PVQA technology implemented for real-time traffic analysis. Contact us for more information.

How to setup real-time RTP monitoring?

One can easily setup real-time RTP monitoring using Sevana PVQA Server to receive information on calls with QoS (packet loss, jitter etc) and QoE (noise, dead air, echo etc) issues.

Unlikely other systems PVQA Server provides two quality metrics represented as two MOS scores: E-Model based MOS and PVQA MOS derived from call audio analysis.

With detailed statistics one can even figure out at what time of the call noise, echo, clipping or e.g. clicking took place.

Real-time alerting will immediately notify about quality issues of the monitored traffic. Book a demo here.

Real-time network statistics and KPIs one can benefit from using PVQA Server

Learn about network MOS and variety of waveform KPIs related to impairments that affect voice quality in real-time
📞 Agility
Add proactive maintenance layer based on PVQA call quality monitoring and let your support engineers be notified when call quality issues prevail in conversation
⠀📞 Quality issue root-cause discovery
Based on impairments analysis speed up problem root-cause identification, discover packet loss patterns inside the call audio
⠀📞 Flexible setup
Integrate PVQA library into existing system or create a new one suitable for any hardware and OS
Keep an eye on call quality with Sevana!


What are Sevana call quality testing offerings?
We are happy to offer all kinds of tools to test call quality in any network: VoIP, GSM, 5G, satellite
🔹 Vast call quality monitoring both on audio and protocol levels
🔹 Passive real-time and active scheduled call quality analysis
🔹 Call quality problem root cause analysis
🔹 Reliable network and payload MOS
🔹 Mobile-to-mobile call quality tests

Being a multipurpose tool for voice quality analysis PVQA Server can be the core of a quality analysis and monitoring system to detect and investigate QoE and QoS related issues. PVQA Server combines the force of audio waveform analysis using PVQA technology with continuous network monitoring:
🔎Real-time call quality monitoring
🔎Proactive maintenance based on non-intrusive waveform analysis
🔎Monitoring network and media quality simultaneously
🔎Matching network metrics (RTT, jitter, latency, packet loss) with payload metrics (noise, clipping, dead air, echo etc)

Voice quality is the term used to describe the clarity of your voice. It’s more than just the sound of your voice—it also includes things like background noise and interference, which can have an adverse effect on how well your voice is heard. This makes passive voice quality testing and analysis and important part of modern communications.

Sevana AQuA and PVQA libraries collect all the data related to impairments that may affect voice quality in real-time providing immediate alerting and storage of all metrics related to call audio degradation. Audio impairments one can map on network parameters (jitter, packet loss, RTT delay) that will form patterns related to certain routes, destinations, originations. Every call analyzed by the system creates data that one can study using bigdata analysis tools to predict network behavior and call quality.

Silent Call – one leg of the voice call has no speech
Echo – this is typically due to a blockage or mismatch, which results in the signals bouncing back from where they came. Additionally, the presence of echo effect in packet switched networks can be traced back to the functionality of the line. Where standard lines function with a delay of 10 milliseconds, packet switched networks can have up to 400 milliseconds of delay. As a result, the echo effect is much more noticeable.
Amplitude clipping – is typically a result of a misconfigured voice gateway on the voice path.
Dynamic clipping – notifies about possible clipping happening in another network as the audio waveform looks like amplitude clipping, however, it is not present at the moment.
VAD clipping – this impairment detects incorrect work of Voice Activity Detector (VAD). Detector finds edges of active and inactive fragments of the signal considering VAD worked too late (in the beginning of the speech) or too early (in the end of the speech).
Click – is a single energy spike in the spectrum of the audio, which may happen for different reasons.
DeadAir-01 – is a zero-signal level inside speech, a gap in speech that may be caused by different reasons.
DeadAir-00 – is a constant signal level inside speech and may have positive and negative value.
SNR – this means that noise level present in the call affects human perception and disturbs the caller.

Within impairments analysis one can not only detect impairments that degraded voice quality in real-time, but in case of post call analysis pinpoint actual time period when certain impairment took place (as it is specified on the picture, Poor intervals are marked with the same color the impairment detectors that triggered the problem, e.g. Echo)

Further more, big data analysis of reports generated by PVQA help to identify impairment patterns specific for certain problems in the networks, e.g.

Click + DeadAir-01 – high probability that packet loss affected the call audio
Click + VAD clipping – possible packet loss

Contact us to have full demo on PVQA analysis or PVQA Server functionality.